Download our Ebook: Shaping the future of ESG Ratings: Regulatory Shifts and AI Innovation
The AI field is growing, and whether good or bad, people are doing more than talking about it; they’re using it more...
As the year closes, it's time to reflect on some of our favorite moments, so we've compiled a list of the top 10 blog...
If you've been following SESAMm, you've probably noticed that we care about environmental, social, and governance (ESG)...
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data. It’s a valuable tool that’s become a standard measurement in...
We’re happy to announce our collaboration with Kyobo AXA IM in the construction of machine learning models based on...
SESAMm is proud to announce the launch of our latest solution: TextReveal® ESG Alerts. TextReveal ESG Alerts identifies...
Summer is almost over for us in the northern hemisphere. (We know. It's sad for us, too.) And with this seasonal shift...
Barcelona, QuantMinds International, November 2022 CEO Sylvain Forté joins QuantMinds correspondent Joanna Simpson in...
The modern world is in a peculiar place right now. We’ve got the technology and resources to improve our planet, but we...
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (TMNF) tapped SESAMm for a joint research venture to predict future...