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VIDEO: ESG Data Challenges and How AI and NLP Offer Solutions

Online, Japan Investor Forum, July 2022. Sylvain Forté, SESAMm's co-founder and CEO, discusses ESG data and its...

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What Investors Ought to Know About Data Lakes: A Quick Guide

If you’ve taken a basic computer course, you might have learned this famous phrase: Garbage in. Garbage out. It’s...

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Alternative Data Trends: NLP Analysis on Commercial Real Estate

Housing and construction fees have skyrocketed over the past few years. This increase goes back to multiple factors:...

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What Investors Ought to Know About Natural Language Processing: A Quick Guide

In this issue of the "what investors ought to know about…" series, we'll cover natural language processing (NLP), a...

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S&P 500 ESG Index Drops Tesla: This Analysis Supports the Decision

May 2, 2022. The S&P 500 ousts Tesla, Inc. from the S&P 500 ESG Index. Tesla is widely recognized as the firm that...

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Alternative Data Trends: The U.S. Baby Formula Shortage

Imagine finding out you've run out of milk immediately after pouring a bowl of cereal. Or maybe realizing you don't...

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Harnessing the Power of Big Data in Finance with AI Technology

Big data. It’s a phrase that’s been thrown around for the last two or three decades—maybe too much in some cases. But...

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Introducing SESAMm at NEC Solution Innovators—SESAMm Webinar (Japanese)

CEO Sylvain Forté introduces SESAMm at a webinar co-hosted by NEC Solution Innovators and SESAMm, describing who we...

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What Investors Ought to Know About Knowledge Graphs: The Core of Text Analysis

Researching and analyzing investment opportunities can be challenging for asset management—private equity and hedge...